Download our map and learn more about the
ABLE project and how the forest has been growing
Map includes these features and more:
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Arguably one of the best kept secrets in Hong Kong
The Forest is located in the tranquil and tourist free Northern part of Lamma Island.Luckily this part of the Island remains off any official tourist or guide map and therefore is much quieter, greener and cleaner than the rest of the high traffic areas.
The chances of bumping into other people up here is pretty low. Besides the panoramic views and some happy trees you might see some colourful birds or wild boar if you are really lucky. These newly revived creatures are very shy and cautious having been already wiped out on this Island once before. Their recent arrival once again is in part thanks to the growth of the Lamma Forest as boars need forests to survive.
Before you set out to explore the forest download and print out a copy of the map which is available above.
– Wear some sturdy shoes and long trousers
– Take a bottle of water and your mobile phone
You are now ready to enjoy a hike without seeing any railings, ‘do not’ signs and cemented paths, just earthen meandering country paths through shaded and breezy spots. There are mainly four paths to walk and these are all connected and quite short and fairly easy to walk.
Our recommended hike:
First take a right on the Southern Path and follow this until it joins the Northern Path up by Pine Ridge, follow this path until it brings you back to the fork where you first started, making a complete loop if you look at the map. Then turn left and go straight up the Central Path all the way to the top and out to the other side overlooking the Eastern part of Lamma. The choice is yours now whether you want to about face come back down the Central path or take either the Southern or Northern back down to the fork. Walking a path in the other direction allows for different views and experiences. From there you cross the main public path past the Rain Shelter, Public Picnic Spot and up along the Western Path that leads you to Picnic Rock. The Rock Circle and the Hanging Rock are all landmarks in the forest and listed on the map. This is a wonderful place to watch the Sunset.
This hike/walk/stroll is no more than 2 km and can take anything form 45 minutes to 4 hours plus depending on your pace and inclination. There are other paths to explore and their visibility will depend on the time of the season and how many volunteers we have managed to pull together to keep these paths opened and maintained. This task is a major part of looking after the forest and part of our forestry work efforts.
You can of course explore other parts of the forest but do keep safety and ecological awareness and sensitivity in mind always. Be sure to not leave anything you brought with you behind and to pick up any pieces of rubbish you may find whilst enjoying the tranquil and green oasis that this place offers us.
Remember a better world begins with you. Enjoy!